
今天要來分享的是看脫口秀學英文~ 除了聽音樂、看電影、看影集以外,看英美脫口秀(Talk Show)也是非常好的方式,節目主題廣泛,主持人通常都會邀請名人演員歌手上節目訪談,在主持人與來賓輕鬆自然的互動中,我們也可以學到英美相當口語又道地的英文對話,同時也可以聽到不同口音唷!

昨天我看到Ellen有分享一段影片 來賓是Lupita Nyong'o (黑豹女主角),她們聊了Lupita最近參與的新作品以及對於黑豹續集的想法。
為了練習聽力,記得記得記得 第一次看影片 一定要先將字幕關掉,我也試著打出字稿 (從影片的6分5秒開始),大家可以多聽幾次後,再拉字稿出來看自己理解的是否正確。

Ellen: We’re back with Lupita Nyong'o, as the clip from her new series called Super Sema, so you're executive producer on it, and how did this come up, was this your idea or did they bring you on, how did this come up?

Lupita: They brought me on, they sent me some of the episodes and I just couldn't believe it, I was beaming. Because it's exactly the kind of this thing that I want to see in the world, that kind of thing I want to a part of creating. And you know, Super Sema she is just incredible super hero, who uses science, technology, engineering and math to save her little town Dunia, and she is an little African girl imaginative resourceful and determined, it’s kind of thing that I did not have when I was a young girl, so it just filled my with so much joy that it exists and we get to share with the world.

Ellen: Wow, that’s kind of passion project we are looking for, that's fantastic. Now when you said you were a kid you don’t have that, well were you like as a kid, were you a good kid or were you a trouble maker?   

Lupita: I was definitely a trouble maker. I was definitely also highly imaginative. I had an imaginary friend, I think his name is Edwin or something, and I would take him with me to class, and I got detention because, at one point, Edwin’s tickling me, and of course Edwin didn't exist, so I was like “heeeheee” totally distracting me..

Ellen: Wow. So you also have a best-selling children's book that's gonna be a musical for Netflix, is that something that you gonna sing in it, or somebody else will sing?

Lupita: I hope to god that I don’t sing. I don’t think I’m gonna sing in it. Uh, leave it to…more talented people in that department.

Ellen: Alright, we saw you in the tea leaves, so you were okay. You were fine. So everyone is excited about the next Black Panther and I’m sure it’s gonna be tough not working, and not having Chad Boseman there, but I mean, I've only met him a couple times, but what a great guy. What are you going to miss him the most I guess, I'm wondering. 

Lupita: Wow, it’s still so hard to me to come to terms with his passing. I mean, his leadership you know. He was just, he led the movie with such compassion and just presence. When Chad was on set, he was a present, and he brought his entire being to that movie. And he was so humble as well, you know. And that leadership will be missed and he was my friend it's so hard to think of him in the past tense still. But I do know for certain that he is, he would want us to do this and that I feel that what Ryan Coogler has planned very much honors him and his legacy. I feel good about going back. 

Ellen: Well, I'm sure you're all going to feel that energy of him on the set when you're there working, and I'm sure that all of us will miss him, as well. But what a great guy he was. It's so good seeing you. Thank you for staying up. Go to sleep now. 

Lupita: Thank you. 

Ellen: I appreciate you staying up, really. You can catch Super Sema on Youtube now. We'll be back.  

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